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OBSERVER: Copernicus Emergency Management Service delivers official monitoring of Beirut explosion

OBSERVER: Copernicus Emergency Management Service delivers official monitoring of Beirut explosion

A deadly industrial accident caused two massive explosions in Beirut, Lebanon on 4 August 2020, prompting international disaster response efforts. In the hours following, the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) was activated to provide critical geospatial analysis and maps of the event to inform response and recovery activities led by national authorities.  

An international disaster response led by local authorities 

The event was caused when large stores of ammonium nitrate exploded near industrial and residential buildings in the nation’s capital. 135 people were killed and more than 5,000 were injured. The European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) activated both on-demand mapping modules of CEMS, Rapid Mapping and Risk & Recovery Mapping, in succession to support response decisions and coordination of disaster management professionals. CEMS was engaged in the event from its delivery of the first impact assessment to a final comprehensive report detailing the event’s impact on people and infrastructure. 

CEMS supports the entire cycle of disaster and risk management from the local to national scale. The Rapid Mapping component provides timely delivery of geospatial information for first response. The Risk and Recovery component produces more detailed assessments throughout an extended timeline. The Beirut explosion prompted the first simultaneous activation of both components. The swift delivery of satellite-based information for this large-scale event was made possible thanks to the data provided by the Contributing Missions under the Copernicus programme. In addition, imagery from the International Charter for Space and Major Disasters was provided under an existing collaboration agreement with EMS. The results were distributed to several international humanitarian aid actors involved in the response.   

Selection of grading map showing the impacts of the explosion - destroyed and damaged area, and affected infrastructure - in the area of Lebanon (Beirut) delivered by the CEMS Rapid Mapping service. (Copernicus EMS @ 2020 EU) [EMSR452 Beirut: grading product]

Selection of grading map showing the impacts of the explosion - destroyed and damaged area, and affected infrastructure - in the area of Lebanon (Beirut) delivered by the CEMS Rapid Mapping service. (Copernicus EMS @ 2020 EU) [EMSR452 Beirut: grading product]

Rapid Mapping supports immediate response 

Just 4 hours after the first explosion, the European Emergency Response Coordination Centre (DG ECHO-ERCC) requested the activation of the CEMS Rapid Mapping service to analyse damages over an area of 60km2. The zone covered the harbour of Beirut where the explosion occurred and neighbouring residential areas. 

Thanks to the Rapid Mapping setup and its access to REACT (Rapid Emergency Activation for Copernicus Tasking) provided under the Copernicus Space Component Data Access (CSC-DA), a first post-event image was acquired 14 hours after the activation request by the Pléiades sensor. Pléiades operates as one of the Copernicus Contributing Missions and provides very-high resolution optical imagery on-demand. Immediately after the reception of the image, the Rapid Mapping Service Provider began the analysis by comparing the newly acquired image to a pre-event image, evaluating the damages to buildings and roads by means of visual interpretation. Based on these results, the Rapid Mapping team was able to estimate the number of affected inhabitants.  

On 5 August, one day after the explosion, a first damage map was published to assist Lebanese authorities in disaster response decisions and relief efforts. The map pinpointed the location of the main explosion. The resulting crater in the harbour area had a diameter of 130m. All buildings and roads appeared destroyed within a 400m radius of the explosion. 

The presence of ground debris was used to analyse building damage because it can be easily identified with satellite imagery. Media reports that showed buildings with damaged windows were also referenced. When the location of the building could be identified, it was flagged as Possibly Damaged or Damaged. Rapid Mapping’s Service Provider also classified the surrounding buildings and buildings with a similar distance from the explosion as Possibly Damaged.  

Sensitive Information 

Although the activation was classified as Sensitive shortly after it was triggered (i.e. not open-access online), the European External Action Service (EEAS) agreed to share the results of the analysis with organisations that had expressed interest in accessing this information for use in their operations. These organisations included the World Food Program, Lebanese Red Cross, French- and German Civil Protection, Swiss Agency for Development Aid and Cooperation, Médecins du monde, the Assessment & Analysis Cell partners of UN OCHA  called UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination  (UNDAC) and  MapAction. 

In the evening of 14 August, the sensitivity label was removed. Shortly after, all products were made available on the Copernicus EMS Mapping web portal. 

Risk & Recovery Mapping delivers in-depth analysis of impact 

The RRM Standard service was activated to provide a more detailed damage assessment product for a larger area than RM. This provided a more detailed and comprehensive picture of the spatial extent and severity of the damages. Information was also requested on the deadliness and displacement of the event to local population. 

Selection of ready to print maps showing the impacts of the explosion - destroyed and damaged transportation and building infrastructure - in the area of Lebanon (Beirut) delivered by the CEMS Risk & Recovery service. (Copernicus EMS @ 2020 EU) [EMSN081 Beirut: ready to print maps]

Selection of ready to print maps showing the impacts of the explosion - destroyed and damaged transportation and building infrastructure - in the area of Lebanon (Beirut) delivered by the CEMS Risk & Recovery service. (Copernicus EMS @ 2020 EU) [EMSN081 Beirut: ready to print maps]

In-depth and on-time information 

DG ECHO had requested a  set of pre-defined “Standard” products that helped streamline the swift delivery of information. In 2020 a standardised set of products were introduced in the Risk & Recovery portfolio which allowed for fast delivery of detailed analysis, even within 15 days. It was used for the first time since its introduction in close connection with the Rapid Mapping activation and demonstrates how these both on-demand Mapping modules complement each other. As a result of the optimised workflow, for the first time also Charter data could be used in Risk & Recovery activations. The objective of the collaboration agreement between CEMS and the Charter which was signed back in 2018 is to increase the efficiency of the use of space data for disaster management. 

Results were delivered in two parts based on the initial accessibility of data. Analysis of the northern portion of the original area of interest was based on imagery provided by the Charter. The remaining portion was based on an image acquired under the Copernicus mechanism. The summary tables provide insight into the types of buildings damaged. These include schools, places of worship or silos. The tables also show impacts to the population and clarify the distinction between residential and non-residential buildings.   

Comprehensive analysis 

The Impact assessment/exposure analyses on assets and population product aimed to deliver two types of analyses. This identified visibly damaged buildings and roads, as well as estimated the population affected by the explosion and blast. For this, population datasets were combined with the building information.  

The damage assessment process analysed the expected damage characteristics and its related indications by focusing on imagery. The photo interpretation was conducted by searching for characteristic damage patterns within the image.

Activation timeline

Continued EU support

The Copernicus Emergency Management Service was able to provide crucial information to national authorities and first response actors engaged in rescue efforts, as well as necessary information to understand the wider impacts on infrastructure and people.

The contributions of CEMS helped to establish a recovery approach that will continue through the work of local and international aid efforts. In a recent press release, Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič summarises the EU’s commitment to those affected: “The Lebanese people have the EU's full support. Many continue to suffer in the aftermath of the explosions and from the coronavirus pandemic. While we look towards recovery we must also get essential aid to those that have lost their homes and need emergency healthcare… we are providing urgent help to those whose livelihoods were shattered by the explosion.”

来源平台The Copernicus Programme
GB/T 7714
admin. OBSERVER: Copernicus Emergency Management Service delivers official monitoring of Beirut explosion. 2020.
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