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OBSERVER: Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report (Issue 4) Summary

OBSERVER: Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report (Issue 4) Summary

We are pleased to announce the release of the 4th edition of the Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report Summary, which highlights key findings of the full report. It presents a condensed view of the ocean in 2018, as well as shifts that have taken place in the last quarter of a century. As the climate warms and changes, so does the ocean, including rising sea levels, retreating sea ice, deoxygenation, and ocean acidification.

The summary explores the ocean’s role as a provider of services to society  It also showcases new Copernicus Marine scientific methods and advancements developed to better monitor and forecast the ocean. Ultimately these tools help scientists, policy-makers, and authorities better serve the public.



Watch the short summary video here!

The report describes the current state, natural variations, and ongoing changes in the global ocean, and draws on the Copernicus Marine Ocean Monitoring Indicator (OMI) framework. These essential variables help us to monitor the vital health signs of the ocean over time. The OSR4 Summary has 5 sections that offer a view of the ocean from different angles:

  1. Sustainable development and the ocean: Society, a sustainable economy, and the environment —the three pillars of sustainable development— rely on the ocean. This section explores the importance of the ocean in the framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, supported by ocean data and information.
  2. Changing ocean: Key indicators are used to track the vital health signs of the global ocean. This section presents the indicators that Copernicus Marine uses to monitor and understand changes already in motion and presents notable changes to the ocean over the last quarter of a century.
  3. Major impacts of climate change: The ocean is undergoing sweeping, severe, and unavoidable changes, with major impacts on marine ecosystems and humanity. The IPCC Special Report on Ocean and Cryosphere, and the Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report both show that the global ocean is becoming warmer and more acidic, sea level is rising, and that sea ice is retreating.
  4. The ocean as a service provider: Humans depend heavily upon the ocean through the goods, cultural importance and services provided by marine ecosystems. This section provides an overview and specific examples of ocean ecosystem services and details the key ocean variables that underlie these services.
  5. Monitoring the ocean with Copernicus Marine Service: The Copernicus Marine Service provides state-of-the-art analyses and ocean forecasts, offering a valuable capability to observe, understand, and anticipate changes and extreme events in the marine environment. This section presents advancements in the Copernicus Marine service, and successful examples of applying these tools in practice. These illustrate how accurate, timely information is key to understanding and adapting to the evolving ocean.


osr4 issuu

Read through the Ocean State Report 4 Summary here.

Key Highlights

  • Since 1993, global mean sea level has risen at a rate of 3.3 ± 0.4 mm per year. The report shows that sea level rise is accelerating, with this rate increasing by 0.12 ± 0.073 mm/year each year.
  • Global sea surface temperature has increased at a rate of 0.014 ± 0.001°C per year with warming occurring over most of the globe. There continues to be unprecedented warming of the upper ocean, and the past four years are the four warmest since records began.
  • The 2018 Arctic maximum winter sea ice extent, which occurred in March, is the second lowest on record after winter 2017.
  • Globally, a small but significant decrease of primary production has been observed over the past 20 years.
  • Presents measurements to estimate the value of the Mediterranean Sea as a carbon sink in 2018. In total, the Carbon Sink Ecosystem Service provided by the Mediterranean had a value of almost €2.1 billion in 2018, but this natural capital is absent from measures of national accounting such as the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

How do advancements in operational oceanography serve the public?

The Copernicus Marine Service provides state-of-the-art analyses and ocean forecasts, offering a valuable capability to observe, understand, and anticipate changes and extreme events in the marine environment. The Ocean State Reports systematically present improvements in the Copernicus Marine Service methods and technologies for monitoring and forecasting the ocean. This year’s summary outlined four such examples.

  • Monitoring Tropical Storms:

    • Tropical storms can wreak havoc for coastal communities and island states with staggering social, economic and environmental impacts. As our climate changes, extreme weather is occurring more frequently, lasting longer, and becoming more severe. Consequently, better monitoring and forecasting these storms is key for policymakers taking preventive, life-saving, and reconstructive measures.
    • Improvements in methodologies and a combination of low- and high-resolution satellite sensors have allowed researchers to better depict and monitor the wind patterns of tropical cyclones, as well as to interpret the coupling between the air and sea in a cyclone’s wake.


  • Predicting High Wave in the Black Sea

    • Reliable prediction of the largest waves during a storm event has always been foremost for offshore platform design, coastal activities, and navigation. Many severe accidents and casualties at sea have been most probably ascribed to abnormal and unexpected waves. By combining these observations with wave forecasting models, researchers can assess the predictability of high waves and demonstrate the variability of significant wave height in the western Black Sea.
    • In this study, severe storms in the Black Sea during autumn and winter of 2018 were identified and analysed. The large amount of data allowed the most extreme events to be examined statistically, providing insight into the characteristics of the largest waves and paving the way to reliable wave forecasts.


  • Eutrophication in the European North Sea

    • Eutrophication (runaway growth of algae and phytoplankton on the ocean surface fed by pollutants) is devastating for ocean ecosystems and can leave some zones almost lifeless. This was first recognised as a problem in Europe in the 1960s and reached damaging proportions by the 1980s.
    • This study combined in situ data with satellite measurements of chlorophyll-a concentration in the North Sea. The researchers found a decrease in chlorophyll-a concentrations in known hotspots, including coastal areas within the southern North Sea. Furthermore, the researchers were able to conclude that data products from satellite observations — used in combination with indicators derived from in situ data— have the potential to enhance existing eutrophication assessment procedures.


  • Using the Copernicus Marine Service: A Success Story

In March 2018, the Gulf of Cadiz region in Spain suffered the most severe wave storm in the past 20 years. This extreme sea state, with waves higher than 7 metres, was produced by storm Emma and was aggravated by the combined effect of waves, high tide and sea level surge. Some Copernicus Marine services, local wave and sea level forecast systems, allowed the storm to be forecasted properly. Downstream alerts warned users in advance, with harbours stopping operations to prevent accidents and ensure safety.

About the Ocean State Report

The Ocean State Report is an annual publication of the Copernicus Marine Service and Mercator Ocean international, an ocean monitoring and forecasting centre that implements the Copernicus Marine Service. It provides a comprehensive and state-of-the-art report on the current state, natural variations, and ongoing changes in the global ocean and European regional seas. It is meant to act as a reference European Union report for the scientific community, international and national bodies, and the general public. The full Ocean State Report is a supplement of the Journal of Operational Oceanography (JOO), an official Publication of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology (IMarEST), published by Taylor & Francis Group.

The full Ocean State Report 4 report will be published in the summer of 2020 in the JOO.


June is Green Month Campaign!

We are happy to kick off our #GreenMonth campaign on CopernicusEU social media channels (TwitterInstagram, and Facebook)! During the whole month of June find out how the Copernicus programme contributes to the fight against climate change by monitoring the Earth’s environment.

From biodiversity to air pollution, each week is dedicated to a new topic! Make sure you are following us and feel free to engage with the content! 


Green Month campaign

来源平台The Copernicus Programme
GB/T 7714
admin. OBSERVER: Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report (Issue 4) Summary. 2020.
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