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Copernicus EMS monitors impact of flood in Spain

Copernicus EMS monitors impact of flood in Spain

From 20 to 23 January 2020, Spain was hit by Storm Gloria. On 20 January, heavy snowfall, heavy rain and strong winds affected several regions of Spain. According to media reports, in Asturias a man was killed after being hit by a vehicle on a snowbound road and Alicante Airport was closed for 24 hours and 200 flights were disrupted. The Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET) issued several red warnings, expecting winds of up to 130 km/h, seven-meter waves and heavy snowfall. The ports of Valencia and Gandia were closed to shipping traffic.

On 21 January, four fatalities were reported across the country. In the northeasterly province of Girona, 220,000 residents remained without power and 2500 km of roads were covered with snow.

On 22 January, nine additional fatalities and four missing were reported. A storm surge also swept 3 km inland, devastating rice paddies and coastal features in the Ebro river delta and causing major damage to beaches around Barcelona, Valencia and areas of the Balearic Islands.

On 23 January, the death toll rose to 13 with 4 missing and in the Balearic Islands, unusually high waves forced residents to evacuate their homes in several locations.

On the same day, the Copernicus EMS Rapid Mapping module was activated by the “Centro de Coordinacion Operativa (CECOP) de la Direccion General de Proteccion Civil y Emergencias” (Spanish Civil Protection Directorate) on behalf of the Civil Protection Agency of Catalonia, for mapping areas in the region of Catalonia affected by Storm Gloria.

Based on very high resolution Cosmo-Skymed radar data, a First Estimate Product was published on 23 January and a delineation product on 24 January over the Area of Interest 01 (Girona Ter Tordera) in which 1,537.1 ha (15.37 km 2 ) of flooded area were detected. For the AoI 02 (Torroella de Montgri), located in the North-East part of AoI 01, a grading product was produced. It was published on 27 January using CNES/Airbus Spot7 optical imagery, acquired on 24 January. The grading product shows 2,546.4 ha (25.46km 2 ) of flooded area and more than 100 buildings affected (at the time of image acquisition).

On 28 January, eight additional Areas of Interest were added, in order to inform the Directorate of Coasts of the Spanish Ministry for a Sustainable Ecological Transition about the damages to coastal areas, incl. in the region of Valencia, and to the town of Calarajada (on the island of Mallorca).

For Denia (AoI03), Jucar Gandia (AoI09) and Cala Rajada (AoI10) no impact was detected in the CNES/Airbus Pléiades satellite imagery acquired on 26 January.

Using Pléiades-1A imagery acquired on 26 January, delineation products for Valencia Sur (AoI05), Castellon Sur (AoI06) and Javea (AoI04) (published on 29 January) were produced. A cumulative area of 75.2 ha (4 km²) with flood traces was reported. On the same day and using the same image, a further delineation product was published for the Delta of Ebro (AoI07), further north. In this case, a total flooded area of 4,525.2 ha (45.25 km 2 ) was detected. As for Maresme (AoI08), cloud cover has so far prevented the acquisition of useable satellite images.

In total 11 products, incl. 9 maps, were produced.

The maps and vector data are available for viewing and download on the EMS Website:

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The delineation map of the area around the Delta of Ebro (Spain), showing 4,525.2 ha (45.25 km²) of flooded area at the time of satellite imagery acquisition (Copernicus EMS © 2020 EU, [ EMSR 422: Delta Del Ebro - Spain: Delineation Overview map 01 ]).


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来源平台The Copernicus Programme
GB/T 7714
admin. Copernicus EMS monitors impact of flood in Spain. 2020.
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