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OBSERVER: The Copernicus Start-up Programme – supporting innovation in Europe, what’s new?

OBSERVER: The Copernicus Start-up Programme – supporting innovation in Europe, what’s new?

Since its initiation in 2016, the European Commission developed the Copernicus Start-up Programme in order to stimulate and support start-ups to use data and information delivered by Copernicus for the development of innovative solutions and business concepts. Copernicus is the world-leading Earth Observation programme. Its data, information and services substantially contribute to socio-economic benefits, as well as smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

Over the last years, the Copernicus start-up programme has significantly contributed to the reinforcement of the start-up landscape in Europe.  This remarkable success is mainly due to the fact that it supports developers at each stage of maturity of their businesses. Currently, it is made up of four pillars: The Copernicus Hackathons, the Copernicus Prizes, the Copernicus Accelerator, and the Copernicus Incubation programme.

The Copernicus Hackathons – unleashing the potential of Copernicus data

All entrepreneurship journeys start with a great idea. The Copernicus Hackathons stimulate the use of Copernicus data amongst students, very young start-ups and teams created on-the-spot. With this first component of the start-up programme, the European Commission multiplies occasions for developers to identify new business opportunities.  The Copernicus Hackathons component supports local organisers to host their own Copernicus Hackathon with 85% co-financing (up to EUR 20,000) from the European Commission. Interested organisations were able to apply in four application rounds from March 2018 until November 2019. Hackathons organisers were free to choose the theme that best suited their interest and region, and ensured that the hackathon was embedded in the local, national and/or European Copernicus ecosystem.

As of today, 29 Copernicus Hackathons took place in 16 different countries across Europe, supported by 340 partners, with 1,237 participants who have developed 252 brand-new application prototypes. These applications are related to topics such as climate change, environmental protection, smart agriculture, smart tourism, smart cities, sustainable mobility, artificial intelligence, health and food technology. 

In 2020, 11 hackathons that are still due to take place from spring to autumn are facing great challenges related to COVID-19. Due to the current pandemic, organisers acted fast and flexibly. They completely changed their concepts and implemented new mechanisms to reach and engage interested participants in quarantine, finding innovative ways to set up a successful virtual event without losing the spirit of a hackathon.

Besides prizes from the regional organisers, each winner – or winning team – receives access to the Copernicus Accelerator.

Copernicus Hackathon

Copernicus Hackathons across Europe, ©EuropeanCommission

Matteo Pisanu, Chief Innovation Officer of the Digital Innovation Hub Vicenza highlights:

“Organising a big international event like the Copernicus Hackathon was a great opportunity for our organisation. In the past years we already did five big hackathons, but I must say that the Copernicus Hackathon has a totally different taste. Through the Copernicus Hackathons we have taken the opportunity to engage researchers, industries, SMEs and the public sector working together to find effective solutions to climate change. We would like to thank the European Commission and AZO for their excellent support. “

The winning team of the 2019 Copernicus Hackathon at the University of Leicester states:

“The topic of the hackathon - Food Security - is a topic I am passionate about and I considered it an honour to be invited to the hackathon event. Since winning the hackathon, our team - now known as LENKÉ - Space & Water Solutions has registered as a business, is working on successfully building our innovative model, conducted market analysis and validation, and built our network. All this was possible mainly due to the support we got from Leicester Innovation Hub and Copernicus Accelerator. And for that we are very grateful.”

For more information, please visit

The Copernicus Prizes - New initiative to support overall objectives

The brand-new Copernicus Prizes in the context of the Copernicus Masters innovation competition is now “going regional”. Next to topic-specific challenges, this year, the European Commission is supporting   13 Copernicus Prizes with up to EUR 10,000 each. The specific role of the Copernicus Prizes is to foster new business concepts and attract countries, regions or institutions to get involved in the promotion of Copernicus and “unchain” their innovation potential.

In total, the Copernicus Masters offers a prize pool worth EUR 550,000, including cash and in-kind prizes, that is distributed amongst the nine topic-specific partner challenges, as well as the country, or region, oriented 13 Copernicus Prizes. By choosing both a challenge and a prize, participants double their chances to win.


Copernicus Masters

 How to participate ©AZO

In addition, each Copernicus Prize and Copernicus Masters Challenge winner, or winning team, will be eligible to become the Copernicus Masters overall winner. Next to the title, the overall winner will receive an additional EUR 10,000 in cash.


Submissions are possible annually from 1 April until 30 June.

Copernicus Masters

Copernicus Prizes and Copernicus Masters Partner Challenges ©AZO

2020 European Commission challenges

Besides co-funding 13 of the Copernicus Prizes, the European Commission is contributing two topic-specific challenges as a 2020/21 Copernicus Masters Challenge Partner. With the challenge “EU Space Data for New Business Applications Challenge”, the European Commission is looking for solutions that have the potential to stimulate new commercial incentives in “established” markets and open up business opportunities for start-ups. It aims to stimulate new business models and market perspectives for entrepreneurs by offering innovative solutions to customers and consumers. With the challenge “EU Space for Blue Economy Challenge” the European Commission is encouraging the submission of innovative proposals based on EU Space data that have the potential to contribute to environmental protection related to the so-called “Blue Economy”.

Aside from Copernicus, Galileo and EGNOS are also at the heart of the EU Space Programme. Therefore, the European Commission, via the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is also offering three specific partner challenges and 16 Galileo Prizes in the Galileo Masters, the innovation competition for satellite navigation.

Topic-specific challenges include the “GSA Space for Being Safe & Healthy Challenge” that concerns solutions that use downstream space data – such as Galileo/EGNOS and/or Copernicus - as key enablers to develop innovative applications that will help stem the spread of the novel SARS-CoV-2virus. The “Space for our Planet Challenge” that is looking for solutions that use space data to help overcome climate change and environmental degradation, which are an existential threat to our children in Europe and worldwide. Finally, the “GSA Space for Fun Challenge” looking for new solutions that use space data from Galileo and EGNOS for the gaming, sports, leisure and tourism markets.

Submissions are also possible annually from 1 April until 30 June. For more information, please visit or

The Copernicus Accelerator

The third round of the Copernicus Accelerator ran from December 2018 through October 2019 with a total of 149 mentees and 49 mentee-mentor coaching relationships completed with an extremely high satisfaction rate. In December 2019, the fourth round of the Copernicus Accelerator started with an opening bootcamp during the EU Space Week in Helsinki, Finland. 50 of Europe’s most promising innovators and start-ups are invited to turn their business ideas into impactful commercial solutions. They will join the growing community of Copernicus innovators and take advantage of a comprehensive 12-month programme filled with industry-leading mentors, interactive webinars and essential virtual trainings.

Participants experience the dynamic energy, quick pace and personal interaction when kicking off the 12-month mentoring relationship at the first bootcamp. They can access industry expertise, one-on-one guidance and consistent monthly support from an ideal personal mentor selected during an online matching process. Mentees can advance their technical skills and knowledge with the Copernicus Accelerator monthly training sessions hosted by industry experts. The closing bootcamp rounds off the mentees experience, giving them a chance to promote their achievements, showcase the products and solidify the professional network. This acceleration programme is designed explicitly for driven entrepreneurs and start-ups.

Copernicus Accelerator

Copernicus Accelerator

Hear from Nadinè Galle of Green City Watch, a current start-up in the programme:

“The mentoring, training, and support provided by the Copernicus Accelerator have exceeded all expectations and our mentor has been instrumental in providing feedback to help us refine our path forward.”

All Earth observation applications, products and services in the early stages of their development are welcome to apply. Applications close 20 September 2020.

The Copernicus Accelerator is also searching for highly driven business and technical experts to inspire the next generation. The commitment as a mentor includes attending the two bootcamps held at the beginning and end of the programme, along with monthly online or in-person coaching sessions. Current mentor, Inês Plácido, shares her experience:

“Being a mentor is especially rewarding, seeing the team’s mindset change over the programme. The coaching was fundamental for them, helping them to grasp the critical concepts and tools they need to kick-off and later grow their businesses. The accelerator is very well designed and clearly adds value to the existing start-up support instruments.”

Mentor applications close 20 September 2020. For more information, please visit

The Copernicus Incubation Programme

The fourth pillar, the Copernicus Incubation Programme supports approximately 20 teams per year, granting EUR 50,000 to boost their start-ups that work with Copernicus data to create innovative, commercially viable products and services.

Copernicus Incubation

Copernicus Incubation

To date, 46 start-ups have already been supported by the programme spanning 22 European countries. The majority of start-up applications relate to the domains of agriculture, energy, maritime or insurance, but can sometimes include niche topics such as golf field management, mosquito tracking or beehive monitoring. The programme truly shows the breadth of applications that can be devised employing Copernicus data.

An increasing number of participants are now also reaching the end of their incubation support period. This offers the opportunity to measure some of the achievements and progress attained throughout the year. Consolidated turnover of 25 start-ups that finalised their participation in the programme was EUR 4.6 million during their induction year. The start-ups have each hired between one and 14 people in the past year, with an average of three new employees. Almost all of them have acquired new customers with the most successful applications topping 7,000 users. The average revenue increase has also been over EUR 100,000, showing that the start-ups have certainly been able to boost sales. More than 90% of all the start-ups were able to pursue new applications and new geographical markets, and about a third are busy with raising private investment. The most successful ones have even raised up to EUR 1 million. The Copernicus Incubation Programme supported all start-ups that made significant leaps forward and proved to be successful.

In 2020, two evaluation rounds are still to come: on 29 May 2020 and the final round on 23 October 2020.

The conditions for applying to the Copernicus Incubation Programme are:

  • Start-ups receive up to EUR 50,000 and up to 85% of the total costs described in their application to the programme.
  • Co-funding is required for at least 15% of the total costs. Any co-funding source is eligible, such as business angels, subsidy programmes, investors, another incubation programme or the start-up itself. In-kind contributions such as office space or coaching hours cannot be admitted as part of the required co-funding.
  • The funding covers costs up to one year.
  • Selected start-ups receive 50% of the total grant as pre-financing. Remaining payment happens at the end, based on accountancy statements to prove costs.
  • Lead time for the incubation support is approximately four weeks after the announcement of selection results.

For more information, requirements and guidelines, please visit



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来源平台The Copernicus Programme
GB/T 7714
admin. OBSERVER: The Copernicus Start-up Programme – supporting innovation in Europe, what’s new?. 2020.
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