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OBSERVER: Sustainable capacity building for biodiversity protection through the Copernicus Global Land Hot Spot activity

OBSERVER: Sustainable capacity building for biodiversity protection through the Copernicus Global Land Hot Spot activity

Training locals to use geospatial data empowers them to make informed decisions on the future of their resources, livelihoods, and heritage sites. Outside our European boundaries, across the globe, the Copernicus Global Land activity Hot Spot Monitoring takes a hands-on approach to teaching agencies and enthusiasts to leverage satellite information of land and land cover change in their conservation and environmental management activities. The Hot Spot approach to capacity building combines in-person teaching of digital toolsets with the provision of data so that new users have full autonomy over their data use.

Scientists from the Hot Spot team of DG JRC (Joint Research Centre) recently made three major contributions to conservation efforts in West and Central Africa. Namely, a regional training workshop in Cote d’Ivoire (the Ivory Coast), biodiversity efforts in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and detailed delimitation of cocoa plantations in Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire. Each contribution supported conservation efforts by regional and national stakeholders. The relationships formed in these activities mark a new focus on sustainable capacity building in the region.

To the non-technical eye, a Hot Spot land cover map might look like a splash of colours that delineate land features, much like elevation lines on a topographic map. To conservationists and GIS scientists, however, these layers of data offer unparalleled insight into the diversity and health of each unique habitat component. Copernicus Land product sets identify vulnerable areas and prime locations for species’ reintroduction. Without Copernicus products, park managers would only understand a small fraction of the parks’ features and overall health. Copernicus Global Land provides this product through their interactive digital map: the Global HotSpot Land Cover Change Explorer.

Community-driven trainings in the West Africa region

In late 2019, Copernicus Global Land experts hosted the Copernicus High Resolution Hot Spot Monitoring (C-HSM) West Africa Land Cover Capacity Building Workshop in order to introduce Copernicus Global Land products and enable new users to take advantage of C-HSM land cover and land cover change maps for their conservation efforts.

Participants from nine countries within West Africa were invited, including Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Niger, Togo, Benin, Nigeria and Cameroon. Participants were invited based on their background in protected areas management, ecology, conservation, GIS and remote sensing. The Hot Spot team worked closely with the Office Ivoirien des Parcs et Réserves (OIPR) to organise the event.

The workshop was designed to meet the needs of locals, rather than deliver information on a general product. To gain insight into local projects, the Hot Spot team interacted with Stéphane Brossard, team leader in the “Développement rural & Environnement” sector of the EU Delegation to Cote d’Ivoire and prepared an online questionnaire for invited participants ahead of the workshop. This helped to assess local requirements and gaps of currently supplied Earth Observation data in the field of protected area mapping and monitoring.

At the workshop, participants were introduced to C-HSM data, products and web interface. Trainings focused primarily on the land cover classification scheme and validation methodology. To ensure participants could use these data after the workshop, Hot Spot experts gave hands-on training on the use of the C-HSM web information system with land cover data for the region.


“In the past, we tried to candidate the Mole National Park (Ghana) as UNESCO Heritage site. But we failed due to lack of up-to-date data. Thanks to the EU supporting a new Elephant census and to the Copernicus Hot Spot  providing us up-to-date land cover maps, I am confident we will now succeed in becoming a UNESCO Heritage site.”

– MAHAMA Ali, Wildlife Division of the Forestry Commission, Mole Park Manager.

The workshop was capped with a field visit to the Tai National Park and its surroundings. This provided an intimate setting to learn from local farmers and park rangers about the socio-economic benefits, impacts and threats of plantations to the park and its biodiversity. Participants took full advantage of this opportunity to exchange ideas and appreciate the validity of the C-HSM land cover maps for field applications.

training global land

“This training has provided West African protected area managers with indispensable tools in the face of current issues of natural resource management. As a bonus, these tools are accessible even to users with average skills in GIS and remote sensing, they are free and save valuable time due to pre-processing already received.”


Insights from local stakeholders at the workshop opened new channels of collaboration and identified regional needs that the Hot Spot team would focus on in their next potential support, designing a method for delineating cocoa leaves in the West African region, as these plantations represent one of the major threats to protected areas, natural habitats and wildlife in the region.

Innovation inspired by international collaboration

West Africa, and in particular Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, are the largest cocoa producers in the world. The cultivation of this crop has led to the loss of vast tracts of forest areas in the region. However, it provides income to farmers and their families. In order to support both biodiversity and protected areas, as well as farmers, the European External Action Service (EEAS) asked for an up-to-date cocoa farm map for these two countries.

cacao west africa dry

JRC scientists and a graduate student from the region teamed up to generate these maps that estimate the current extent of cocoa plantations in the two countries, and eventually establish a cocoa monitoring system, built on the European Commission’s big data processing platform (JEODPP) which uses the flagship Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite data. Based on the results, EEAS and other EU Delegates, as well as EU Non-Governmental Organisations (i.e. GIZ, Wild Chimpanzee Foundation) will be able to focus their efforts on community support and protection activities. This product, even though not directly funded by the Copernicus programme, demonstrates the exponential use of the service and its data, while serving as a precursor to future HSM products.

cacao west africa

Protecting biodiversity and local heritage in DR Congo

One of Africa’s oldest parks and key landscapes for conservation finds critical support with the Copernicus Hot Spot Monitoring component. Park authorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Upemba-Kundelungu National Parks Complex have enlisted Copernicus Earth Observation data in their fight to preserve the area’s rich biodiversity and diverse landscapes.

national parks

Poaching, bushmeat hunting, and deforestation threaten this almost “forgotten park”. It provides refuge to the last savannah elephants in the region, as well as the last zebras in DRC. Upemba lechwe, roan antelope, black sable, buffalo and giant ground hornbill also roam the park’s wetlands, forest, and woodland areas. The mindfully named Forgotten Parks Foundation (FPF) incorporated Copernicus data to bolster their assiduous conservation efforts and restore the area’s diverse habitats and species populations. Earth Observation gives park managers a highly detailed view and statistics on what habitat areas need restoration and protection for successful conservation efforts.

Upemba-Kundelungu National Parks Complex Land Cover for the year 2016 as provided through the Copernicus HSM component.

Fig. 1: Upemba-Kundelungu National Parks Complex Land Cover for the year 2016 as provided through the Copernicus HSM component.

The EU Delegation in the DRC requested maps from the Copernicus Global Land team for five protected areas. The Copernicus land cover maps are contributing to the Monitoring and Evaluation decision support system of the Environment & Sustainable Agriculture (E&SA) programme funded by the 11th EDF in the DRC. This programme adopts an innovative approach by integrating conservation and development components at the level of Landscapes that surround 5 key protected areas (4 national parks and one biosphere reserve) in the country.

In total, over 425,000 km2 have been mapped, including protected areas and their surrounding Key Landscape for Conservation Areas. That’s an area nearly the size of Sweden. The Upemba-Kundelungu National Parks Complex comprises 47,318 km2  of the total mapped area. The product has been uploaded to the Copernicus free and open access data visualisation portal. Park officials will use this product to map the habitat of threatened species and track environmental changes across time to monitor the current impact of renewed conservation efforts.

Success for the Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (ICCN) and FPF would entail the restoration of historically abundant wildlife populations across a connected and biodiverse landscape. Their vision requires effective species’ protection and major reintroductions of large herbivores and carnivores to the area. Funding through the EU and other donors is underway to secure existing wildlife and undertake large-scale wildlife reintroductions. They also want Upemba & Kundelungu National Parks to be a driver of sustainable natural resource use, climate mitigation and socio-economic development in the region.

west africa

The EU supports these efforts through free and open access to data from the Copernicus programme which benefits humanity, industry, and biodiversity around the world. The Hot Spot team maintains a close working relationship with FPF officials to ensure the continued success of their work through information and training from the Copernicus programme and its services. 



June is Green Month Campaign!

We are happy to kick off our #GreenMonth campaign on CopernicusEU social media channels (TwitterInstagram, and Facebook)! During the whole month of June find out how the Copernicus programme contributes to the fight against climate change by monitoring the Earth’s environment.
From biodiversity to air pollution, each week is dedicated to a new topic! Make sure you are following us and feel free to engage with the content! 
Green Month campaign


来源平台The Copernicus Programme
GB/T 7714
admin. OBSERVER: Sustainable capacity building for biodiversity protection through the Copernicus Global Land Hot Spot activity. 2020.
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