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Bhutan's Bend the Curve Challenge

Nature provides us with everything we need to live, from the air we breathe, to drinking water, food and all the resources we use to make things and to power our homes, cars and factories. Over the past fifty years, the rapid growth of the world’s population has led to a massive increase in the demand for land, energy and water. As a result, we are now using the Earth’s resources faster than nature can renew them. We are also creating more waste than our planet can absorb.

The Living Planet Report shows that global populations of fish, birds, and mammals, amphibians and reptiles have fallen on average by 60% in less than 50 years (between 1970 and 2014).This is mainly due to the over-harvesting and illegal hunting of animals, agriculture and loss of habitats. 

What can we do to bend the curve?
To stop the decline of the natural systems that support us and all other animals on the planet, we need real change, all over the world. The challenge we face is to find ways of meeting the needs of our growing population while protecting nature and preventing climate change. Everyone – governments, business, communications, and individuals – has a part to play. 

Enter the #BendTheCurveChallenge
The #BendTheCurveChallenge is a campaign that WWF Bhutan is hosting to encourage Bhutanese youth to advocate a total of 10 simple sustainable actions in their schools and communities as a movement to bend the curve on the devastating trends highlighted in the 2018Living Planet Report (LPR). 

Here are the 10 sustainable actions to introduce in your school/community
  1. Speak out! Talk about the importance of protecting nature with your friends, families and teachers.
  2. Start a movement in your school or community to help the planet by planting trees or saving energy.
  3. Adopt an environmentally friendly food habit. The ways in which we grow, produce and consume our food has a massive impact on the planet. For example - eating more plant food helps because producing 1kg of beef requires 70 times as much land as producing 1kg of vegetables! 
  4. Write a letter to a local politician or business and tell them about an environmental issue that is close to your heart. And don’t be afraid to ask questions!
  5. Help scientists to record the variety of wildlife in your area by taking part in a citizen science programme. You can enter your findings on Bhutan Biodiversity Portal:
  6. Create habitats for wildlife in your own backyard (e.g. a bug hotel, rotten logs for beetles, bird house. etc.)
  7. Grow plants to attract bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
  8. Use less plastic, reuse and recycle.
  9. Repair or recycle old or unwanted items like clothes, bicycles, car tyres, and electronics and advocate the importance of buying less! 
  10. Enjoy and discover the wonders of nature around you.
WWF Bhutan will recognize the most creative and impactful Bend the Curve Challenge completed by a school by selecting the school as the official school partner for Earth Hour 2019 in Bhutan! Earth Hour 2019 which will be observed on 30thMarch 2019. 

Who can participate? 
  • The Challenge is onlyopen to school-going youth in Bhutan (Primary, Middle Secondary, or Higher Secondary School)
  • You can participate as an individual or team up with other students at your school to introduce the Challenge. Participants have to be from the same school. 
  • You can enlist the help from your teachers but you must lead the Challenge. It is important that this movement be youth-led. 
Instructions and Deadline 
  1. Follow our youth Instagram page @youngpandasbhutan. We will be announcing the winner on this page! 
  2. Complete all of the 10 #bendthecurve activities in your school. Think out of the box and make it very creative!
  3. Fill the attached form and send us photo evidence of each completed activity to wwfbhutan@gmail.comby 1stMarch, 2019. We will only be selecting onewinner. We will select according to who made the challenge the most creative and who made the biggest impact in their school and community!
  4. The winner’s school will be selected as the official school partner for Earth Hour 2019. If you win, we will come to your school to celebrate Earth Hour 2019 (March 30, 2019)! You will also win some cool prizes sponsored by WWF Bhutan and our partners! 
For more information, contact:

Sonam Yangchen | Communications Officer | WWF Bhutan |

Tenzin Rabgye | Senior Communications Officer | WWF Bhutan | 
Download Application Form & Youth version of the Living Planet Report on the right. 
来源平台World Wide Fund for Nature
GB/T 7714
admin. Bhutan's Bend the Curve Challenge. 2018.
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